Tuesday, June 29, 2010

About DSA driving practical test maneuvers/manoeuvres

According to recent telegraph news - one in eight driving instructors are not fully qualified, claimed the AA, which demanded the Government force driving schools to be more transparent.

The motoring group said the Government should intervene to insist learner drivers are told more clearly whether their instructor had yet to fully qualify or not. At present, the only legal requirement is for the trainee instructor to display an official pink badge in the windscreen.

The AA said that while trainee instructors have passed exams demonstrating advanced practical and theory driving knowledge, they have yet to sit a third exam testing their ability to instruct

You need to be careful while choosing the driving instructor.

Driving instructor role is very important while you are preparing for your driving lessons.

Approved driving instructor (ADI) can give you proper guidance on your DSA practical test.

He/She will also teach you driving maneuvers/manoeuvres.

About DSA driving practical test maneuvers/manoeuvres -

In your DSA practical test, you will then be examined on your general driving and on two reversing exercises. The reversing exercises will be chosen from: 
  • reversing around a corner
  • turning in the road
  • reverse parking
You may also be asked to carry out an emergency stop exercise.
What is expected in each driving practical test maneuvers/manoeuvres -
Reverse parking -

Drive alongside a parked car and reverse back within the space of two car lengths without hitting the kerb and whilst observing for other road users.

Turn in the road -

Turn the car around using forward and reverse gears without hitting the kerb and whilst observing for other road users.
Reverse to the left -

Reverse in to a side road to your left, keep close to the kerb and observe for other road users.

Bay parking -

Reverse in to a car park bay, whilst observing for other road users.

Emergency stop -

Stop the car as in an emergency, without skidding.

Throughout the test you should drive in the way your instructor has taught you. If you make a mistake, don't worry about it, it might be a less serious driving fault and may not affect your result. The examiner will be looking for an overall safe standard of driving.

You can make up to 15 driving faults and still pass the test (16 or more results in failure). However, if you commit one serious or dangerous fault you will fail the test. If at any time your examiner considers you to be a danger to other road users your test will be stopped.

Are you preparing for the UK DSA driving test? Learn Show me tell me questions, practical test maneuvers/manoeuvres, The Highway Code, road traffic signs. Visit our website.

Here you can also practice over 7o interactive hazard perception clips and get ready for your DSA theory test http://www.theory-test.co.uk/asp/driving_manovures.asp