Monday, July 19, 2010

Driving manovures in driving practical test

Driving test includes two types of test i.e. theory test and practical test.

In driving theory test there are two parts – multiple-choice test and the hazard perception test. Both the test must be passed in the same attempt to get driving theory test certificate. Once you clear driving theory test then only you will be allowed to appear for driving practical test.

Driving practical test book includes all these manoeuvres which are very useful and important part to become a successful driver.

Driving practical test pattern contains –
  • Show me tell me questions
  • Interactive driving test manoeuvres
In driving practical test you will be also examined on your general driving skills and on two reversing exercises which will be chosen from:
  • Reversing around a corner
  • Turning in the road
  • Reverse parking
It may also happen that you will be asked to obtain out an emergency stop exercise.

What is expected in each driving practical test maneuvers/manoeuvres -

Reverse parking –

Drive alongside a parked car and reverse back within the space of two car lengths without thrashing the edge and at the same time observing for other road users.

Turn in the road –

Turn the car around using forward and reverse gears without thrashing the edge and at the same time observing for other road users.

Reverse to the left –

Reverse in to a side road to your left, keep close to the edge and observe for other road users.

Bay parking –

Reverse in to a car park area, at the same time observe for other road users.

Emergency stop –

Stop the car as in an emergency, with safety. Along with your training your driving instructor will teach you these driving maneuvers/manoeuvres.

Following are some other helpful maneuvers/manoeuvres –

Changing gears –

While driving you should be able to change gears without having a look at your feet.

Steering a car –

While taking a turn the steering wheel in your car, the wheel turns so you should be very careful keeping this in mind.

Stopping a car –

While stopping the car you should take your foot off the gas, and if your cruise control is on then turn it off.

Clutch control –

It is the act of controlling the speed of a vehicle with a manual transmission by engaging the clutch plate, with the help of clutch pedal instead of the accelerator pedal.

Road Junctions –

The driver has to be very careful in the road junction while taking turns as it’s the place where there are two or more roads meet or cross.

Basic Left Turn –

If you don’t want to stop at the intersection, start moving slowly down at least 100 feet from the edge of the corner.

Box Junctions –

This is being used on large busy junctions such as traffic light controlled crossroads, T-Junctions and even roundabouts. These have criss-cross yellow lines highlighted on the road.

Overtaking –

It is the act where you drive around another slower automobile on a road.

Traffic lights –

Traffic lights are signalling devices positioned at the interaction of the road and other locations to have a control over competing flows of traffic.